Firearm Specials
Cimmaron U.S. Cavalry .45 Colt. $798.00
The first troops to receive Colt’s new 1873 army revolver in the latter portion of that same year, included Custer’s famed 7th Cavalry. It was these early issue pistols, inspected by Orville W. Ainsworth and shipped to Fort Lincoln, that Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer’s cavalry desperately fought with as they made their last stand on June 25th, 1876, at the disastrous Battle of the Little Big Horn, known to the Indians as the Fight at the Greasy Grass. Cimarron’s 7th Cavalry model in .45 Colt, is a detail-perfect rendition of the ill-fated 7th Cavalry’s legendary single action. Each authentic 7 1/2-inch barreled, firearm is properly stamped with Ainsworth’s OWA cartouche on the walnut stock, government proof marks and the inspector’s initials are found in all of the appropriate locations and the last 4 numbers of the serial numbering is on the cylinder, as well as on the color case hardened frame, trigger guard and blued butt strap. The proper 2 line patent dates and the U.S. stamping is also found on the left side of the frame, as with genuine “Custer era” cavalry revolvers. This model is limited to just 2,000 units of each of Custer’s five companies C,E,F,I and L, that perished under his command at the Little Big Horn. Available in Standard Blue, Charcoal Blue or Original Finish. Holding Cimarron’s 7th Cavalry model is like holding history in your hand! Another great historical reproduction inspired by an original in the Cimarron Firearms antique collection.
Built on a forged frame and slide the Mil-Spec carries on Springfield Armory’s long legacy of quality 1911s. Traditionally styled and built on a full-size frame the Mil-Spec features a 5″ match grade barrel and rear slant serrations on the slide. The mainspring housing is the original arched style found on G.I.-issue 1911-A1s, giving you a classic look with modern upgrades for improved performance and reliability.
Package Deal for Limited time. Get 3-mags & range bag free!
Sale $599.99!
OR Buy the standard with one mag and box for $569.99!
Cimmaron U.S.V. Artillery model .45 Colt $690.00
In the early 1890s the U.S. Army began issuing double-action revolvers in .38 Colt caliber, and was retiring the 1873 single actions. However, because of the underperformance of the somewhat anemic .38 Colt loading during the Spanish American War of 1898 and the Philippines Insurrection, many officers and men clamored for the return of the older, more powerful .45s. The older single-actions were in need of refurbishing, so they were returned to the factory and to Springfield Arsenal where the work was accomplished, including cutting the barrels from 7 1/2 inches to 5 1/2 inches. Because many were issued to artillery batteries, modern-day collectors have coined the term “Artillery Models” to these reissue arms. In 1898, the First Volunteer Cavalry, a colorful unit of cowboys and other adventurous young men was formed, with veteran Indian fighter Col. Leonard Wood in command and Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt second in command. Recruited in a San Antonio bar and trained at Camp Wood in Texas in 1898, “Teddy” Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” would carry over 100 of these Artillery models when they bravely charged up San Juan Hill in Cuba. Here’s another great historical reproduction inspired by an original in Cimarron’s antique collection. Available in Standard Blue or Original Finish, our detail-perfect Artillery Model bears the government inspector Rinaldo A. Carr’s cartouche and all martial markings, including the U.S. stamped frame, just like those reissued guns that went on to see service into the early years of the 20th century.
Uberti 1873 150th anniversary model. Limited production replica of the 1873 Winchester. Engraved by Atelier Giovanelli in Italy. Engraving replicates an original Winchester engraving pattern from the late 1800’s. Available in .45 Colt or .357mag/.38spl. 20″ octagon barrel, crescent butt plate, case hardened engraved receiver. $1,799.99
Springfield Armory Saint Victor 5.56mm. 1-30rd mag, case. B-5 Furniture. $999.99
Free Gear up package with any Springfield Saint. Click the link below for more info.
Springfield Armory Echelon 9mm. Hi viz front night sight, optics ready, low optics mount for co-witness with factory sights. 2-mags $599.99
Click the link below for more info.
Ammunition, Holsters, Optics, Knives,
and other accessory specials
Federal Premium Force X2 12 gauge Buckshot. Sale! $20.00 per box of 10 shells.